by | Aug 30, 2024

August 2024 - Active Capital Reinsurance, Ltd. (Active Re), a global reinsurance company, is proud to announce that AM Best, the oldest specialized global rating agency in insurance and reinsurance, has affirmed its “A” (Excellent) Financial Strength Rating (FSR) and its “a” (Excellent) Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating (ICR), both with a stable outlook. AM Best's rating is also endorsed by its agencies in the European Union and the United Kingdom, which is key for meeting regulatory and solvency requirements across all markets where Active Re operates.

AM Best has assessed Active Re's balance sheet strength as “strongest”, as well as its solid operating performance, neutral business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management (ERM), strategic pillars that characterize the sustained growth and diversification achieved by the reinsurer. The rating also reflects ongoing improvements in the reinsurance program and the credit quality of the supporting markets, effectively minimizing counterparty risk.

In view of this achievement, Ramón Martínez Carrera, CEO of Active Re, stated that «this rating of 'A' (Excellent) by AM Best reflects the level of maturity achieved through the strategy implemented several years ago, based on constant capitalization, quality and efficiency of underwriting focused on non-catastrophic short-term risks, with conservative leverage. Our geographic and business line expansion have been growing orderly, showing good technical results and an adequate global weighted country risk».

Active Re continues to adapt its business model to meet the challenges of a highly competitive and volatile environment, strengthening its professional team and alliances with strategic partners. Innovation and digitalization continue to be catalyzing pillars of the efficiency and stability reflected in all its metrics. This is how Active Re reinforces its value proposition as “The Best Ally for Our Client”.

About Active Re:
Active Re is a Barbados-based reinsurer established in 2007. The company comprises over 80 professionals located in 18 cities across 12 countries around the world, maintains a diversified geographic business presence in more than 140 countries across Latin America, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia Pacific, and focuses its underwriting efforts on short-term, non-catastrophic risks. For more information about Active Re: For the lates AM Best's Credit Rating, access


For the second consecutive year, the company maintains its “A” (Excellent) Financial Strength Rating awarded by this renowned global rating agency specialized in insurance and reinsurance.